Independence Expat Tax


Our Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) Filing service is designed to help businesses comply with the regulatory requirements set forth by the US Department of Treasury. 


The FBAR is an annual report that must be filed by US taxpayers who have a financial interest in or signature authority over foreign financial accounts with an aggregate value exceeding $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. Failure to file can result in significant penalties, including civil fines and criminal prosecution.



Our team of experienced accountants will assist you in gathering the necessary information, completing the required forms, and submitting the FBAR report to the appropriate government agencies. We understand the complexities of the FBAR regulations and will ensure that your report is accurate and compliant. With our FBAR Filing service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is in full compliance with the law and is protected from potential penalties and legal action. 

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Online US Expat Tax Preparation Services